8 December 2013

Image of Rewards for Peer Mentors

On 4th December 22 year 9 students from LSA went to KAOS in Lytham as a reward for all their hard work as Peer Mentors when they were in Year 8.  As mentors, they were attached to a year 7 form to help the new year 7s settle into their life at LSA.  They also helped on Year 6 Induction days - even coming into school when the rest of their year group were still on holiday!

As a reward for their commitment and dedication, we organised a trip to KAOS.  They all had a safety briefing beforehand and were responsible for their own and each others safe use of the equipment including the full body harnesses used.  The students had 2 fun sessions - including being blindfolded on the 'clip n play' activity on the high ropes course - meaning the students had to help each other cross the ropes safely even though they couldn't see where they were going or what was coming next.  The tree climbing activity was also fun with students racing each other to see who could climb their tree fastest.  Two members of staff were even seen in harnesses, traversing single ropes and other obstacles high above the floor!
After a pizza lunch and a chance to explore the rest of the KAOS adventure areas it was time to come back to school having had a brilliant time.  Well done to everyone who attended - and thank you for being such great Peer Mentors at LSA.





Submitted by Rachelle Kendall