Heads of Year

Mrs Andrea Lavelle

Mrs Andrea Lavelle

Head of Year 7/ DSL

Mr James Quine

Mr James Quine

Head of Year 8

Miss Nicola Grierson

Miss Nicola Grierson

Head of Year 9/DSL

Miss Penny Hindle

Miss Penny Hindle

Head of Year 10/ DSL

Mr S. Reid

Mr S. Reid

Head of Year 11/ DSL

Mr Nicolas Bracken

Mr Nicolas Bracken

Deputy Headteacher

Miss Alexandra Cullen

Miss Alexandra Cullen

Pastoral Manager/ DSL

Mr Jamie Howard

Mr Jamie Howard

Assistant Headteacher supporting Year 9 and 10

Emma Pumphrey

Emma Pumphrey

Therapeutic Mentor / Educational Visits Coordinator

Miss Alison Donnelly

Miss Alison Donnelly

Assistant Headteacher Achievement and Progress

Miss Amanda Dainty

Miss Amanda Dainty

Behaviour & Wellbeing Mentor



Emotional support / Therapy Dog

Mrs Rachel Leaver

Mrs Rachel Leaver

Pastoral Support Officer