29 May 2014

Image of Stonewall Schools Champion
Declaration of Human Rights, article 1.
Lytham St Annes Technology and Performing Arts College is one of the first secondary schools in Lancashire to be awarded the status of Stonewall Schools Champion. Stonewall is a national charitable organisation that supports our Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual community and works tirelessly to erradicate homophobic language and attitudes.
At LSA we are committed to supporting our own LGB community which includes our students and their families and our staff. We have a highly effective anti bullying policy which ensures that each and every student is supported should they encounter any form of discrimination. Equally as important, we have created a PHSE curriculum that educates all of our students to respect each other and their wider community.
Over the next term we will update our website to include articles and links to support our students and their families. We will be working closely with Stonewall as each member of our staff is trained to tackle homophobic bullying and support our LGB community.
Please use the following link if you would like to look at the fantastic work that Stonewall is doing. www.stonewall.org.uk
Submitted by Rachelle Kendall