12 June 2013

Image of Formula 1 Success

Our F1 teams have been speeding away, reaching the National Finals in London.  Team Silver Bullet (KS3) Regional Winners, Bloodhouse Class and Mary's Angels (KS5) Regional Winners F1 class.  Months spent designing We also won Fastest Bloodhound – Silver Bullet, Innovative Thinking – Viper (KS3 Bloodhound), Fastest F1 Class – Mary’s Angels (KS5), Best Team Sponsorship and Marketing – Beacher’s Bombers (KS5 F1 Class), Best Engineered Car – Beacher’s Bombers (KS5) and Judges Discretionary Award – Arctic Frost (KS5 – Y13)   Our best haul yet!  

For the first time ever, we had two teams competing for the National, covering two age ranges…KS3 (age 12) and KS5 (6th Form). They have spent twelve months Designing, Analysing, Making, Testing, Developing and Racing their race cars, working on sponsorship, Team Identity and Portfolio.

 Getting to the finals really costs and Lytham Rotary came to our aid by financing the trip. We showcased a full team presentation with interactive slide show, speeches and demonstrations of the cars on the tracks and they came up with the money.  We are most grateful for their support.

Alas we did not win the £10,000 Denford CNC machine and a chance to compete in the World Finals in Texas this summer but the experience has been the thrill of a lifetime and the teams did fantastically well.

Head Teacher, Phil Wood, said "We are delighted with the achievements of our  F1 Teams and their staff trainers. Over the years  We are have always been keen to support initiatives which encourage students to work together as a team to acquire engineering and marketing skills.