6 June 2013

Image of Logo Competition

Year 8 student, Ella Revill has used her creative skills to win her a place in the next Comenius trip which will be to Sweden.  Tasked with the problem of designing and completing a logo which is to be used  on the official Comenius website, she had to capture images to complement 'What does a European Classroom mean to me.'  Her logo was the pupil of an eye seeing and discovering for the first time and the iris filled with people on the earth represented as flags all coming together.

MFL School Link Coordinator, Mrs. Sandra Underwood said " There was great interest in the logo competition which was open to the whole school community and we were amazed at the quality of the entries and how much time and effort the students had taken.  Ella's project certainly shone through as identifying what the project is all about.

Ella said "I am so excited to go to Sweden. I couldn't believe it.  I've never won anything in my life before!