10 July 2014

Image of Congratulations to the Year 7 Rounders Team
Congratulations to our Year 7 rounders team for finishing in 2nd place (in League and Tournament) after beating Carr Hill's Year 8 team in their final game of league. Next year definite champions!!! Watch this space...  
The PE department provided the following Season report;
Outstanding golden triangle between Olivia Jagger, Natasha Webster and Jessie Robson.  Brilliant Batting from Charlotte Tate, Natasha Webster, Anna Tankard, Olivia Jagger and Abi Challenger.  Ace tactics from Anna Tankard.  Great handling skills from Kadie Morrison. Awesome reactions from Rebecca Walker and Jess McIntyre.  We'll done girls so proud and excited about next season! 
Congratulations on a great achievement