2 April 2013

Image of International School News

eTwinning Quality Label

Dear Sandra Underwood (LSA Technology and Performing Arts College),

Congratulations! You have been just awarded with the Quality Label for the work you have done in eTwinning. Dear Sandra, I am delighted to award you with an eTwinning National Quality Label! It’s easy to see how the QR codes placed around your school would create intrigue and generate interest from all pupils to read about their French peers. Furthermore, it is evident that your pupils’ knowledge of ICT has increased. The project scored highly for sustainability and if it is to continue, perhaps you could take things a step further by uploading vokis, which are linked to the QR codes – to further facilitate pupil collaboration. This is indeed a lovely short project idea which helps to embrace web 2.0 and eTwinning tools for 21st century learning, congratulations once again!

Kind regards,


All the best.

Germany Visit

The fourth Comenius Partnership meeting took another group of students off to meet our partners, this time in Germany. The enthusiasm of the students taking part and getting involved in classroom activities was brilliant.  Mark Riding and Tristan Mills wrote a daily blog to keep everyone up to speed with their daily involvement.  They loved the experience and the opportunity to meet students from other countries.  As Tristan said "It was really exciting to be involved in a once in a lifetime opportunity."  

Other News

The British Council announced that Mrs. Sandra Underwood, who spearheads our International School initiatives, has been awarded a Special Participation Certificate by The British Council for her involvement in the Comenious Week 2011 programme in May. The campaign brought together over 1,345 teachers from across Europe to share their experiences, organise information sessions and celebrate the impact that the Comenius programme has had on schools in Europe. 
Two students from Year 8 will have the pleasure of participating in the sixth Comenius Partnership meeting in Athens, Greece- January 22nd-27th 2012. Kitty Levene and Alex Quarmby will be staying with host families and participating in the various cultural activities during the week. They will also be helping to deliver a presentation on England's Traditional Dances! We wish them luck as it should be a great week for them both.