20 September 2021

Image of LSA Alumni interviewed by the BBC

Maisie Lawrinson, an LSA Alumni, was interviewed by the BBC for an article regarding workers returning to the office or working from home after the coronavirus pandemic. 

"Maisie Lawrinson joined TalkTalk through the government's Kickstart jobs scheme in July. Under the scheme, Jobcentre work coaches match young people aged between 16 and 24 who are on Universal Credit to new, temporary, roles.

While Maisie is grateful for the six-month contract, she's keen to be in the office as much as possible so she can make a good impression."

You can read the full interview here -  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58559179?fbclid=IwAR1X_Lynp_Qkzk0ZgCk6GTBzHuVU4XlziJU2zPZ1NbYSY7AVzGPtwdCdbP0 

Source – BBC News