22 January 2021
![Image of Feel Good Friday - How’s your stress bucket?](https://files.schudio.com/lsa/images/events/Feel_Good_Friday_-_FB_(6).png)
Imagine there’s a bucket you carry with you which slowly fills up when you experience different types of stress.
Sometimes you feel strong enough to carry a lot of stress, but it’s important to find activities which help you lighten the load.
These activities will help ‘drain’ your bucket and release your stress.
These activities could include:
- Rest and relaxation – watch a film as a family
- Talking to trusted people – a parent/carer
- Doing something you enjoy – start an art project
- Good time management – finishing all work at a set time and then put it away.
- Time with others – Make a meal with someone in your family.
Be specific for what works for you!
Have a go at completing your stress bucket.
For further advice and support, there are many useful links on our website https://www.lythamhigh.lancs.sch.uk/parents/support-for-parents-carers-and-students-during-coronavirus/health-advice-and-emotional-wellbeing-support-for-all