21 August 2014, 8.30am – 11.00am
Results for all external qualifications will be available in the Library on the dates and times given below. If you are unable to collect your results, you can supply a stamped addressed envelope to the Exams Office by Tuesday, 22nd July, or you can give a relative or friend a letter of permission to collect results on your behalf (they must have a proof of identity with them and you must state the person’s name in your letter). Results will NOT be given over the phone, by email or text under any circumstances.
Thursday, 21st August 2014
YEAR 11: 08:30 – 11:00
YEAR 10*: 10:00 – 11:00
* Year 10 results for external exams only (i.e. GCSE and BTEC exams marked by the exam board) are available on this date, your internal exams will be have