23 January 2020

Image of Worldwise UCLAN Languages Trip

The aptly titled ‘Worldwise’ event on 22nd January allowed students in Year 8 to experience language learning in a myriad of ways thus allowing them to learn about languages in the wider world and the benefits. 

Activities included:

  • Chinese calligraphy and learning some basic Chinese;
  • Simultaneous Interpreting where they worked in booths to interpret what the speaker was saying to each other;
  • Rosetta Stone to learn a new language eg. Korean, Swedish and Turkish;
  • A worldwise quiz to test general knowledge of world languages.

Students also experienced life in a university setting and enjoyed the atmosphere this brought. The piano in the Student Union was much appreciated by many and our thanks go to all students who participated and were enthused about the day.  Merci/Danke/Gracias/Grazie/Tack/ and Thank You

Worldwise UCLAN Languages Trip 2020

Tags: modern-foreign-languages