24 June 2016

Image of LSA Vote to Remain in the EU!
(Emily Horberry current Member of Youth Parliament for Fylde and Hal Meakin former Member of YP for Fylde. Both students at Lytham Sixth Form)

Today LSA ran our own EU Referendum after 2 weeks of assemblies and other events. Mark Menzies MP joined the team this morning. Mark thought this was a great event and said he hoped all schools would have events like this to engage young people in the democratic process.
(The sixth form team of students running the Referendum today with our MP who called in to support us.)
It was an exciting day with just under 1000 students voting. The result was a clear vote to remain a part of the EU with 641 voting to remain and 323 voting to leave.  A fantastic well done to all the  Lytham Sixth Form student team and to all the students from Y 7 to 10 for their excellent participation.